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Love Music

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We welcome your kind generosity.

Your tax-deductible gift allows Love FM to continue playing great music and planning great events for our area. Be a Founding Ministry Partner for just $25 a month or a one time gift of $150. Your gift of any amount is vital to the ministry of 97.3, Love Fm.

  • $25 per month
  • $150 one time gift
  • $400 Half Day Sponsor
  • $800 Day Sponsor

Where does my money go?

All your gifts go to support the local ministry of 97.3, Love Fm. Your funds go directly to our studios located in Blountville, TN. We are a local 501(c)3 organization which means your gifts are tax-deductible. Your gifts stay right here in our local community which means they affect you and your neighbors. Your gifts allow us to pay for the equipment and related cost to broadcast. Most importantly, your gifts allow us to share Jesus with Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.