200 West Church Circle, Kingsport, TN
“Intentional Parenting: A Parenting Conference” coming to First Baptist Church Kingsport on Sunday, January 26, will focus on practical conversations about raising our kids in today’s world. Area professionals will discuss mental health needs and support for our families, today’s technology/social media challenges, a wide range of preschool parenting questions, faith conversations with our kids, and more.
The keynote speaker for the event will be Chris Sasser, Pastor of Family Ministries at Port City Community Church, Wilmington, North Carolina. Sasser will speak at three sessions during the day, with topic breakout sessions in between. The conference will begin at 8:55 am and conclude at 3:00 pm, with lunch and childcare with planned activities provided. Attendance is free, but registration is needed to plan event support. Attendees may come for one or all sessions.
“This family conference is designed for parents, grandparents, caregivers, anyone who cares for our children,” said Dr. Marvin Cameron, Pastor of First Baptist Church Kingsport. “Our goal is to address some of the major challenges that parents face in today’s world. The event will allow attendees to discuss what matters most for our kids with family and healthcare professionals and how to help them grow as healthy individuals.”
The public is welcome and invited to attend.
Website: https://www.fbckpt.org