I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge, and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I trust.
Psalm 91: 2
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When we are frustrated, it is often because we are trying to do something in our own strength, instead of putting our faith in God and receiving His grace and help. Let us learn to pray for what we would like to be changed, and then cast our care on God. If He leads you to take some kind of action, then do it; but if He doesn't, then wait with peace. I strongly encourage you to obey God and Trust Him in every area of your life. Each victory you have will increase your faith for the next challenge you face. Little faith can become great faith when we see the faithfulness of God as He meets our needs. You can become a person who enjoys great peace by Trusting God
When we are frustrated, it is often because we are trying to do something in our own strength, instead of putting our faith in God and receiving His grace and help. Let us learn to pray for what we would like to be changed, and then cast our care on God. If He leads you to take some kind of action, then do it; but if He doesn't, then wait with peace. I strongly encourage you to obey God and Trust Him in every area of your life. Each victory you have will increase your faith for the next challenge you face. Little faith can become great faith when we see the faithfulness of God as He meets our needs. You can become a person who enjoys great peace by Trusting God