Today's verse states it perfectly. When we carve out time to rest in God- taking a physical break and filling up our spirits- we gain hope and acquire strength to face the challenges of life. Have you been trying to scale the mountain of life without stopping to refresh and refuel? Maybe it's time to adopt the "climb high" - sleep low" strategy. There is a strategy where mountain climbers retreat to an elevation lower than the one to which they have climbed in order to give their lungs rest, especially at night. This tactic referred to as "climb high-sleep low." As you trek onward and upward, God will be with you in the highs. He'll refresh you in the lows. Settle your soul and meet with Him today. What grade would you give yourself in the area of rest? What will you do this week to carve out time to slow down and savor some time alone with God?
This is taken from the book: Settle my Soul, 100 quiet moments to meet with Jesus. By: Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk
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