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Psalm 33:22
August 18, 2021

May your unfailing love be with us, Lord even as we put our hope in you.

Psalm 33:22

God's love is the kind of love that never ends. It doesn't run out or fall short, even when we do. God's love is the real thing. It is better than the highest praise from people. God is truly the only one who knows us completely, yet loves us the most. If you struggle with believing that God loves you, the real you, look no further than the cross. Jesus poured out His love for us on the cross. Jesus took our place, paying the penalty for our sins. By faith, His blood covers us. Washes us clean, makes us new, calls us out of hiding, removes the need to pretend or fake it. We are completely loved with God's unfailing love. Do you believe that? Is God's unfailing love an anchor for your soul? Or are you still trying to prove yourself to others and to God? In what ways do you still try to earn God's love? What is one way you can begin to rest in God's love on a daily basis?
The Word of Life is brought to you by Lighthouse Supply in Bristol, VA. The regions most trusted name in lighting and electrical supply.
This devotion was taken from the book: Settle My Soul, 100 quiet moments to meet with Jesus by: Karen Ehman & Ruth Schwenk.