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Matthew 6:13
August 19, 2021

"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

Matthew 6:13

Everyday is a battle. It's not always a battle we see or understand. But because of our allegiance to Jesus, we are in a battle for our hearts and minds. Our Enemy would love nothing more than to disrupt, distract, and even destroy the good work God is doing in our lives. We are tempted to despair, tempted to doubt, tempted to give in or give up, tempted to become weary. We'd rather take it easy than be obedient. Jesus was reminding us that every day really is a battle. Sin is up close and personal. It wages a war against us an in us. We are to pray not be enticed by sin when we encounter it. Where are you most tempted right now? The good news is that we are not in this fight alone. The battle is not ours. It is God's. And He has given us everything we need in Christ to overcome the temptations we all face. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Root your life in His love. Be built up in the power that is yours in Christ. For He has promised to deliver you from temptation and evil.

The Word of Life is brought to you by Lighthouse Supply in Bristol, VA. The regions most trusted name in lighting and electrical supplies.

From the Book: Settle my Soul 100 quiet moments to meet with Jesus. By: Karen Ehman & Ruth Schwenk