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John 14:27
August 17, 2021

"Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

John 14:27

Jesus gives us a different kind of peace. He tells us in this verse that the peace He gives us is not like the world's peace. The kind of peace the world offers comes and goes. That kind of peace or assurance is temporary, often tethered loosely to things like money, status, relationships, or health. The peace Jesus gives us is peace with God. It's a deep and abiding sense that everything is okay, and is going to be okay, because of who we belong to. Jesus offers us a different kind of peace- a peace that goes beyond our understanding. A peace that guards our hearts and minds from fear or worry. A peace He gives when we ask for it. Will you rest in peace that Jesus gives today?

The Word of Life is brought to you by Lighthouse Supply in Bristol, Va. The regions most trusted name is lighting and electrical supply.

This devotion taken from the book: Settle my Soul- 100 Quiet Moments to meet Jesus. by: Karen Ehman & Ruth Schwenk