If I could tell you one thing about prayer, I would tell you that it's much easier than we think. Thankfully God has not made prayer complicated; it's really simple. Sometimes people make prayer dry and difficult; sometimes our religious mind-sets and "systems" present prayer in such a way that seems out of reach for many of us. I am here to tell you today that praying does not have to be difficult. Prayer is simply just talking to God. God desires heartfelt, honest prayers, He wants our prayers to be natural and enjoyable. I talk to God all day long, just like I would talk to you if you were sitting here with me. Like you are talking to a Friend. God is your friend, He loves you and wants to hear your heart today. Open up your heart and tell him how you feel today with a simple heartfelt prayer. And know that you are always praying to a God who listens.
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