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Hebrews 13:5
December 16, 2020

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Hebrews 13:5

So my theme with my WORDS OF LIFE all week have been to remind you that you are not alone, we have talked about how God will fight for you, then yesterday we talked about nothing is too hard for God, and today I want to remind you that God loves you and He will never leave you. Even in those times you are feeling so unloved and all alone. You are not alone. In fact, we are the ones who leave Him sometimes, but He never leaves us. YOU ARE LOVED AND NOT ALONE TODAY! Thank God today for always being there and if you have strayed away from God, today is the day to come back to Him, tell him you are sorry and tell Him how much you love Him. HE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH! ~ April