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Acts 3:19
February 22, 2021

Repent, turn around and return that your sins may be erased that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.

Acts 3:19

God manifest His presence in many ways. Even when we can't see Him we can see the work He is doing in the lives of so many people and in us. If you are tired or weary, bothered or stressed, did you know the best way to become refreshed is to spend time with God. He wants to bring a refreshing into your life. When you feel worn out within your soul, turn to the one who is living inside of you! If you are too busy to spend time with God, then you are simply too busy and it may be time to make some adjustments in your schedule and in your life. God is the only one who can provide complete refreshment in your life. Learn to be still and be quite in His presence and let God speak to you and you will be amazed at how refreshed you will feel. Don't get burned out or stressed out; take time to be refreshed in the presence of the Lord today.