Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you.
1 Samuel 12:23
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One key to effective prayer is to focus on others and not obsess about our own needs. We can certainly go to God for prayer in our own lives and pray to God about meeting our needs, But are you taking time to pray for other people? I mean really pray for other people. How many times to we run into people and say " We will be praying for you" or write on social media "praying" when we see someone who is hurting or sick. Are you really praying for that person? I think we all have good intentions, but are we truly taking time to pray for people when we tell them we will. I have an idea, next time you go to grab your phone, which I know you will because we all cling to our phones all day long, Stop for just a second and take time to pray for someone who needs it. Truly make an effort to pray for others when you say you will. It pleases God so much when He sees us putting others needs before our own. People have all kinds of needs, and they need our prayers. God wants us to pray for one another with sincere love and compassion. Prayer changes everything! ~ April
One key to effective prayer is to focus on others and not obsess about our own needs. We can certainly go to God for prayer in our own lives and pray to God about meeting our needs, But are you taking time to pray for other people? I mean really pray for other people. How many times to we run into people and say " We will be praying for you" or write on social media "praying" when we see someone who is hurting or sick. Are you really praying for that person? I think we all have good intentions, but are we truly taking time to pray for people when we tell them we will. I have an idea, next time you go to grab your phone, which I know you will because we all cling to our phones all day long, Stop for just a second and take time to pray for someone who needs it. Truly make an effort to pray for others when you say you will. It pleases God so much when He sees us putting others needs before our own. People have all kinds of needs, and they need our prayers. God wants us to pray for one another with sincere love and compassion. Prayer changes everything! ~ April