224 Plaza Crossing Bristol VA 24201 United States
CLASSES START 1/6/2024 @6PM-8:15PM
Books are $20 each.
Free meal and childcare provided.
Sign up on the church center app
Living Free & Insight
Everyone struggles with sin and it can manifest itself in various forms. With a focus on moving toward a deeper relationship with Christ Living Free helps those hiding behind fake smiles toward godly freedom. Living Free is a safe place where people examine what might be holding them back and find strength to move ahead. This class is the beginning of breaking free from the strongholds in your life.
Living Free is a prerequisite for the Insight Class.
INSIGHT CLASS- Discover the Path to Christian Character
This class pictures life-controlling problems as a downward spiral that pulls a person down, then presents the character qualities found in 2 Peter 1:3-11 as the path to Christian Character .
It helps prepare people for more meaningful relationships at home, work and church.
This class is a continuation of breaking free from the strongholds in your life so you can live in Freedom.
Trauma REBOOT (Women Only Class)
12-week, faith-based course empowering people to overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future.
Through practical teaching and a supportive community, Trauma REBOOT
helps people from all walks of life to break free from the pain of the past and
find renewed purpose and strength
Knowing God My Father
Applying the Names of God to My Personal Life
Contains 10 sessions designed to help participants strengthen their relationship with
their heavenly father
• shows how to apply biblical principles by studying the various names of God
• Written in a practical way
• Help for those who may have a distorted view of God because of an absent or
abusive earthly father who did not or does not provide for them
• Help for men who want to be better fathers