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2 Chronicles 20:15
November 17, 2021

This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's."

2 Chronicles 20:15

Are you facing a battle today? We all face battles in our life. I can look back at some of the battles I have faced and I can honestly say during those times, I grew closer to the Lord. When you are facing a battle in your life, remember that The God who fought for the ancient Israelites in 2 Chronicles 20 is the same God who is fighting for you right now. The battle in front of you might seem insurmountable, But we serve a mighty God who is more powerful than any battle you are dealing with. Let God fight your battle for you. Stop trying to fight it yourself. Give it to God today and remember the battle belongs to Him. ~ April

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